VR Application for education of HR Department of SC Rosatom

Customer`s background

A division of the State Corporation Rosatom, develops the human resources and strengthens the corporate culture of the State Corporation. Its main task is to ensure human sustainability, provide employees with the necessary knowledge and develop educational products of the world level. The training potential includes more than 500 educational programs and projects, and more than 4,000 online activities.


To create a training VR simulation for HR officers, in real time allowing to go through a quest of universal plots, the most familiar to the human resources departments.  The main goal - to develop an educational project, which is led by the principle of humanocentricity, i.e. the philosophy of decision-making, based on the interests of employees and their value for the company.


The Ariseum team developed the director’s script according to the plot.  We selected a film crew, organized casting of actors and production of the film. The result is integrated into the application for VR helmets, which allows each user to fill himself the HR employee and independently pass the scenario of choosing different solutions depending on the approach to the situation. The script consists of five different stories involving professional actors, the action takes place in office locations.

How it works

The user puts on a helmet and appears in a virtual space. With the help of the controller, he chooses one of five plots, and depending on the choice, he gets the opportunity to go through the scenario of working situation development, such as firing an employee, or settling conflicts in the team. Acting as an HR manager, the user gets into the center of the plot, played by the actors in the role of employees. At the same time he has the opportunity to choose the reaction to the proposed situation. After selecting the reaction, the user receives a comment evaluating the correctness of his decision.

What we have provided

Ariseum specialists have fully developed the project concept. We wrote director`s script and arranged the casting of the actors and location selection for filming in the office space and outside. We also organized the selection of a team of costumers, lighting, make-up artists.

To convey the effect of presence in the virtual space, we conducted a 360 first-person shot.  Ariseum carried out complete post-production of video clips and arranged final editing.

We also wrote an app for VR helmets, allowing the user to choose the course of action in each story independently.


VR helmet


The project implemented by Ariseum has become an excellent educational element for the training program of GK Rosatom. Its application allows to achieve effective interaction between HR specialists and employees of the company. Personnel departments are successfully trained in human oriented decision-making and develop their communication capacity.

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VR simulator of loader's controlling

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