

In these times the ability to learn quickly and possess a large amount of information is an incredibly valuable skill. These abilities can be significantly upgraded by automating the work and training processes. AR and VR will eliminate the need to refer to volumes with instructions, save time on employee training and simplify work in production.

For example, if you wear HoloLens glasses, the equipment maintenance technician can easily visualize instructions, reports, graphs, and 3D layouts. AR technology will help you predict possible breakdowns, and in case of problems, it will help you fix them.

Automation greatly simplifies communication with the customer, eliminating the possibility of misunderstandings. You can easily view a three-dimensional holographic image instead of not always clear layouts. This technology also makes it possible to maintain online communication with colleagues, which speeds up the work process and makes it more qualitative.

Ariseum develops programs and applications that automate the work and training of employees.

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