Augmented Reality

AR or augmented reality is an innovative way to overlay virtual objects on an image received from the camera of a mobile device. Using AR improves the perception of information and makes this process incredibly interesting.

What is this technology for?

Using AR is a great way to draw attention to your company or product. It causes a hype, attracts potential customers and increases their loyalty. AR apps are intuitive, so potential customers will return to the app again and again.

In addition, the AR technology helps to convey your message in the best way. AR will help you to show maximum creativity and to realize any ideas. AR presentations will allow you to present the product as effectively and impressively as possible.

You don't have to make any effort to transport large objects. Any manual will be available on the screen of an electronic device. It is easy to open reference or instructions with data about any object. You will not need extra papers and additional materials.

How AR works?

The camera of a tablet or a smartphone captures markers, objects of the real world. They serve as a reference point for demonstrating virtual reality. Markers can be a QR-code, a product label, or a three-dimensional object. Objects in AR can also appear due to GPS coordinates.

Reality can be supplemented with various digital materials: images, including animated and three-dimensional ones, informational references, pointers, videos, and others.

Ariseum develops AR mobile apps and AR projects for exhibition stands.

Stages of a Project

1. PROBLEM STATEMENT. Depending on the customer's goals, we can start developing an application that will facilitate the demonstration of a product or the company at an international exhibition, or think over any other creative marketing alternative.

2. DEVELOPING AN IDEA. We carefully listen to all the customer's wishes and, according to their ideas, define the details of the future application.

3. DRAFTING A CLEAR REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION. The requirement specification is agreed with the customer at each stage of implementation.

4. CREATING AN APP INTERFACE DESIGN. The Ariseum team pays great attention to all visual details, creating stylish and convenient interfaces.

5. CREATING 3D MODELS. We develop models on our own, however, by customer's request, we can work with the files provided by them in fbx and .obj formats. In addition to that, we convert models from AutoCAD, Compass 3D, Revit, and other programs.

6. PROGRAMMING AND CREATING ANIMATION. This stage involves placing the model in 3D Unity or Unreal Engine environment. We program complex interactions that can be played back to devices running on iOS, Android, Windows, and Sailfish OS.

7. EMBEDDING THE APPLICATION INTO THE SERVER. The server can be provided by the customer, or written by us. We integrate the loyalty system, install statistics collectors, and make many additional settings that may vary depending on the app’s complexity.

8. FINISHED APPLICATION. Before providing the app to the customer, we test it and, if necessary, apply any corrections necessary.

Project samples
AR on the Italian Artist's Paintings at the Modern Art Exhibition 2017
The interactive calendar for NTV channel
Rosatom projects AR calendar box
Gift book for Cartier jewelry house
Interactive AR stand at the Retail Tech 2021 for the Gazprombank
AR stand for the University of the Ministry of Emergency Situations
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