Interactive VR presentation at the photo exhibition "People to people"

Customer's background

JSC Atomenergomash is a machine-building division of the state corporation Rosatom.
The photo exhibition "People to People" is exhibition  with seven photo stories about employees of enterprises of Rosatom, whose hands create unique equipment for energy facilities around the world.


To develop VR projects, thanks to which visitors of the photo exhibition "People to People" will be able to immerse themselves in the hot atmosphere of Atomenergomash enterprises, see the work of those people who make our life comfortable every day, as well as get a unique experience.


The Ariseum team has developed two exciting projects of virtual reality

VR game " Assemble the reactor "

In a short time for the engineering division Atomenergomash we have developed an interactive VR game "Assemble the reactor". We have written the scenario, have modeled the crane cabin, the main components of the nuclear reactor and the plant hall. The Ariseum team has programmed and tested the game, has made an installation at the exhibition, has accompanied the stand and has helped all the guests of the photo exhibition to pass the game in English.

VR tour of Atommash

We have developed a VR tour of 4 locations of the Atomenergomash plants – the Hydropress building, the EMSS and Atomenergomash plants, the Pier. To speed up the user's movement around the production premises we have made a virtual bicycle, on which the user must move around the production territory.

For the production of highly polygonal production models, our specialists have visited all the facilities and carried out professional photography of the units and the environment, as well as made high-precision recording of sounds in order to fill the virtual environment with them in the future. The modelers have modeled the surrounding territory of the Atomenergomash plant complex, have made 3D models of all buildings, units and equipment present in the workshops, have added the maximum number of special effects so that the presence effect has become as strong as possible.

In all locations, we have added virtual characters that fully match the uniforms of real workers. They meet the player as they progress through all the levels, move around the rooms and perform standard work tasks. To move in virtual reality, we modeled a bicycle that exactly repeats the real one standing on the stand.

One of the most difficult tasks was to recreate all the structures, production units, welding installations and manipulators, machine tools, cranes, etc. The Ariseum team has made it so that when moving, the player can inspect the surrounding area at 360°. For the convenience of traveling on a bicycle standing at the exhibition stand, we have programmed and placed special sensors on it that synchronize steering wheel turns, body tilt, wheel speed with virtual reality.

How it works

VR game "Assemble the Reactor"

The user puts on a VR helmet and headphones, takes a joystick to control and finds himself in the cab of an overhead crane located above the reactor shaft. The cabin offers a view of the reactor assembly stand. The user selects the desired language, then reads the text about the complex and the purpose of the competition. In parallel, the announcer reads out the same information. After reading it, the guest starts the game. Reactor elements appear around the mine in the right sequence. Then all the reactor elements are mixed and installed in front of the mine without numbers.
The main goal is to arrange the 7 elements of the reactor in the correct order. Among them are the support ring, the reactor vessel, the shaft, the fence, the block of protective pipes. If the user makes a mistake, the element is returned to its place.

VR tour of Atommash

The user sits on a bicycle that is installed at the Atomenergomash stand, puts on a VR helmet with the help of an instructor. After starting the tour, the player finds himself on the territory in front of the Hydropress building. Starting to pedal and turn the steering wheel, the user moves along the route.


VR game "Assemble the Reactor"

HTC Vive VR helmet, VR Station, HTC Vive wireless connection module, headphones.

VR tour of Atommash

HTC Vive VR helmet, VR station, HTC Vive wireless connection module, headphones, bicycle, wheel torsion, speed, tilt, turn sensors.


At the photo exhibition "People to People", both of our virtual reality projects have made a real sensation. The guests have tried out a VR tour of the Atomenergomash complex and its 4 locations. Many people enthusiastically spoke about such a non-standard idea – they liked that it took not only knowledge, but also physical effort to win the game. Also, the guests of the exhibition were curious about the VR game, studied the reactor device and thanked the Ariseum team for the unique experience of being above the reactor shaft, drawn realistically.

Andrey Vladimirovich Nikipelov, General Director of JSC Atomenergomash

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VR Interactive Presentation of the Bystrinskoye Mining Company

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