VR Interactive Presentation of the Bystrinskoye Mining Company

Customer's background

Nornickel is the world's largest producer of palladium, platinum and copper.


To present BMC with VR. To show 360° panoramas taken from a quadcopter in a virtual environment, add interactive elements for switching between panoramas, place video clips at certain spots in the panoramas, and create an interactive map that makes it easier for the user to navigate through all levels of the presentation.


Ariseum has developed the interactive presentation of Bystrinskoye Mining Company production for viewing in a VR helmet. We have programmed transitions between 360° panoramas; video clips, and added the interactive map that allows navigating between objects.

How it works

The user puts on the VR helmet, and the interactive map opens in front of them. They click a point on the map and link to the 360° panoramas. From it, the user can view video from the quad copter flying over the object, or connect to another panorama. All points are marked with numbers on the map such as the Verkhne-Ildikansky and Bystrinsky quarries, the site of a processing plant, a rotation village, etc.


Samsung Gear VR mobile devices.


The VR interactive presentation showed the Bystrinskoye Mining Company territory from a bird's-eye view. The users visited the fascinating tour without leaving the office, flew over BMC, and viewed it from all sides, leaving the visitors with a pleasant taste from the new experience.

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VR Game «Ball Hockey» for the Investment Forum Exhibition 2020

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