VR Game «Complete NPP» for RASU at the ATOMEXPO 2019

Customer's background

JSC «RASU» is an integrator company in the field of automated process control systems.


To supplement the interactive zone of the virtual main control room of the power unit of NPP developed in 2018 with a new game activity, in which forum participants will be able to assemble the automated control system of the Novovoronezh NPP-2 power unit in a race with artificial intelligence.


For JSC «RASU», participating in the international forum ATOMEXPO 2019, the Ariseum team has created a VR game «Assemble the automated control system». We have recreated a room similar to the room of the nuclear power plant, where we placed a full-fledged model of the Novovoronezh NPP-2 based on the customer's photos. Separately we have built 3D models of various objects – the engine room, reactor room, MCR building, etc.

We have developed small details – temperature, pressure, radiation monitoring sensors, which the user must put in the appropriate places faster than artificial intelligence – a virtual character. The Ariseum team has implemented a user hand tracking system in a virtual environment using a leap motion sensor. We have created a prototype of a virtual assistant with artificial intelligence, which stands in front of the player and also places equipment on the table, creating a sense of competition and struggle. Marina Gladkaya, who dubbed Daenerys in legendary Game of Thrones, and Steph Elmore, who works for the BBC, has voiced virtual characters.

How it works

The player puts on VR glasses, where he finds himself in the MCR of Novovoronezh NPP-2. The viewer is met by a virtual guide, a pretty woman named Alva.

After a short introduction Alva offers a choice of several scenarios for passing the game. When the user clicks on the button «Complete NPP», he gets into the next room, similar to the MCR, only without equipment. In the middle of the room on the table is a model of Novovoronezh NPP-2. Alva instructs the player, stands in front of him, and announces that the player needs to finish the nuclear power plant faster than her. The user must complete all four levels in 3 minutes. If he carries out tasks slowly, Alva speeds up, adjusting the user.

Using hints the player goes through several levels where he must insert missing parts and sensors on the layout. The user's goal is to complete the NPP in the desired sequence as quickly as possible, ahead of the virtual character.

The first level shows the reactor and the engine room, while the rest of the layout is hidden. Next to the layout are several sensors, speed, pressure, power, temperature, etc. The layout highlights the places where these sensors can be installed. The timer counts down how long it took to arrange all the details.

The model is reduced to a full-fledged Novovoronezh NPP-2 model when the user moves to the second level. At this level the user must place the security and protection cupboards on the first and third floors.

At the third level the player installs equipment at the main control room of the power unit of NPP. At the fourth level there is an open switchgear. If the player makes a mistake and sets the object in the wrong place the part hangs in the air and returns to its original place. In this case, the guide beats the user, and the game ends.

If the player wins, the layout of the NPP comes to life, steam curls from the cooling towers, and electricity flows through the wires.


HTC Vive VR helmet, Leap Motion sensor, VR station, server


A large queue gathered at the stand with the VR game at ATOMEXPO 2019. Many exhibition visitors wanted to fight with a virtual opponent and test their knowledge about the nuclear power plant. Visitors spoke enthusiastically about the game and thanked the Ariseum team for a quick and exciting acquaintance with the Novovoronezh NPP-2.

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