VR Game «Assemble the Reactor» for Atomenergomash Corporation

Customer's background

Atomenergomash Corporation is an engineering division of the Rosatom State Corporation.


To develope a VR game that would show how the Atomenergomash's reactor operates in an exciting way specifically for the ATOMEXPO 2018 exhibition.


In a short time, we have developed a VR interactive game, «Assemble the Reactor», for the Atomenergomash engineering division. We have carefully thought out the script, modeled the crane cabin, the main components of the nuclear reactor, and the plant hall. The Ariseum team have programmed and tested the game, made an assembling at the exhibition, provided for the stand, and helped all ATOMEXPO participants to pass the game in English.

How it works

The user puts on a VR helmet and headphones, takes a joystick for control and finds itself in the cabin of a bridge crane located above the reactor shaft. The cabin offers a view of the reactor assembly stand. The user selects the desired language, then reads the text about the complex and the goal of the competition. At the same time, an announcer reads the same information. After reading, the guest starts the game. Around the shaft, the reactor elements appear in the desired sequence and then all the reactor elements are mixed and installed in front of the shaft without numbers.

The main goal of the game is to place all 7 elements of the reactor in the correct order. These include the support ring, the reactor vessel, the shaft, the reflection shield, the protective tube unit, etc. If the user makes a mistake, the element hovers over the shaft and returns to its original spot.


HTC Vive VR helmet, and VR station


6000 participants visited the ATOMEXPO exhibition from 65 countries. To assemble the reactor in VR glasses, a group of people wishing to try lined up at the stand. The visitors of the exhibition were curious about the game, studied the reactor arrangement, and thanked the Ariseum  team for a unique and unforgettable experience, where they found themselves above the reactor shaft drawn so realistically.

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