Interactive VR Presentation for Atomenergomash at ATOMEXPO


Customer's background

Atomenergomash Corporation is an engineering division of the Rosatom State Corporation.


To develop a virtual tour through the territory of Atomenergomash’s several plants production complex, completing the trip with quest elements including questions about nuclear energy. To adapt the resulting tour for web-site placement in an interactive 360° video format.


We have developed the virtual tour through 4 locations of Atomenergomash plants: The Hydraulic Press building, EMSS and Atomenergomash plants, and the Pier. To speed up the user's movement through the multi-kilometer production premises, a virtual bicycle has been assembled, on which the user shall move around the production territory.

For making high-poly production models, our specialists have visited all facilities and performed professional photography of the equipment and environment, as well as having produced high-precision sound recording in order to fill a virtual environment with it. Modelers have modeled the surrounding area of the Atomenergomash plant complex, made 3D models of all buildings, units, and equipment present in the workshops, and added the maximum number of special effects to make the presence effect as realistic as possible.

In all locations, we have added virtual characters, which uniforms fully match those of real workers. They meet the player as they progress through all the levels, move around the rooms, and perform standard work tasks. For VR movement, we have modeled the bicycle that exactly resembles the real one standing on the stand.

One of the most difficult objectives was to recreate all structures, production units, welding installations and manipulators, machines, cranes, etc. The Ariseum team have made it possible for the player to have a 360° view of the surrounding area while moving. For the convenience of riding the bicycle on the exhibition stand, we have programmed and placed special sensors on it that synchronize the steering wheel turns, body tilt, and wheel speed with VR.

How it works

The user mounts the bike installed on the Atomenergomash stand, and puts on a VR helmet with the help of the instructor. After starting the tour, the player finds himself in front of the Hydraulic Press building. Having started to work the pedals and steering, the user moves along the route.

Throughout the tour, the users pass a few sites, which include the square in front of Hydraulic Press, EMSS factory workshop, Atomenergomash workshops, and find themselves on the Pier where shells are loaded on the ferry.

When reaching the milestones in the presentation, questions pop up on the screen, like "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" and; what temperature is suitable for a reactor plant? At the end of each workshop, after each response, portals appear providing teleportation between locations. The user rides along the trolley rails, observing all the processes from the inside. At the same time, users perform responsible assignments and solve simple tasks.

The image from the VR helmet is transmitted to a large screen installed on the customer's exhibition stand. The trip takes 8-10 minutes, depending on the speed of answering questions and the speed of pedaling.


HTC Vive VR helmet, VR station, bicycle, wheel torsion, speed, tilt, and turn sensors.


30,000 people visited ATOMEXPO 2017. The bicycle stand caused a real commotion. 500 guests tried out the VR tour through the Atomenergomash complex and its 4 locations. The visitors spent a total of 1,620 minutes in VR. Many guests spoke enthusiastically about such a non-standard idea; they liked that in order to win the game, they needed not only knowledge, but also physical effort. Click on the image to see everything with your own eyes!

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