Interactive Presentation for the Company SSTenergomontazh


Customer's background

SSTenergomontazh is a developer and supplier of integrated solutions for electric heating, thermal insulation, and electrical engineering for various industries.


To develop an interactive presentation for the touch table that will showguests of the VI International Gas Forum, the advantages and principles of self-heating cable operation in a simple and understandable method.


According to the company's brand book, we have developed the presentation that clearly demonstrates the operation of a self-heating cable in various environmental conditions.

Based on the materials presented, we made a 3D model of the pipeline and the cable installed on it. Our specialists programmed a system for changing the temperature of the cable when the user touches it at any spot. Thus, they clearly reflected the reaction of the "smart" cable to changes in environmental conditions and local temperature differences.

How it works

The screen shows a 3D model of the pipeline with a self-regulating heating cable installed on it in the following sections: a sheath, a braid, an inner sheath, and a heating matrix, phases +/-. The user clicks on one of the icons and text information appears.

Under the 3D model, there is a temperature equalizer that allows the user to change the temperature from +40° to -60°C. For example, the user touches the 3D model of the cable, and the temperature sensor shows +36°C. If the ambient temperature on the equalizer was set to +20°C, the "smart" cable would start cooling at the point where the user’s hand touches it to reduce the temperature to +20°C. If the equalizer was set to a temperature higher than + 36°C, then heating would start at the touch point.


Touch table


Many guests of the Gas Forum approached the stand with interest, studied the mechanism of the "smart cable", and tested the temperature reaction on their own. The company's senior management highly appreciated the project, which helped to tell about complex systems in a simple and visual method.

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