Touch panel and sensor wall for the GPB space

Customer's background

JSC Gazprom bank is one of the largest financial institutes in Russia; it is among the top three of banking industry. One of its direction is a development of digital products and brand GPB space is in charge of this area. Its main goal is cooperation with IT community and attraction of latest technologies for bank's products promotion.


To implement following projects related to the participation of Gazprom bank in the largest exhibition Startup Village in Moscow:

  • Interactive touch panel, which demonstrates to user wide range of opportunities of cooperation with the bank and clearly shows the process of implementation of mutual startup projects.
  • An entertainment exhibit item which main task is to attract visitors to the customer's stand.


Ariseum team created the sensor panel presentation, which demonstrates for user the whole process of implementation of possible joint project with the bank. As a playful element, we developed sensor wall produced in GPB space style. It uses Kinect sensor in order to recognize human body and convert his movements into abstract images.

How it works

Touch panel:

Using touch panels, visitors are able to get close to the process of application to the Gazprom bank in order to initiate the joint startup project. When the user pushes the button, nine different directions of startups, promoted by Gazprombank, appear on the screen.  Every stage is accompanied by an animated video produced by Ariseum.

Then user proceeds to QR code using which he submits an application directly to Gazprom bank management.

Sensor wall:

In sleeping mode abstract image moves slowly at the screen attracting attention of visitors. When they come to the stand, sensor Kinect reacts to the body and converts his movements into image colored in brand GPB space style, modifying different forms.

What we’ve provided

Ariseum team developed a design of presentation for touch panel. We created an animated video for clear demonstration of different stages of application processing. Provided for rent necessary equipment.


  • Sensor table
  • Kinect sensor
  • PC with software
  • Plasma screen


Both projects implemented by Ariseum team fulfill the task to attract attention of visitors at the exhibition. Startup Village guests attracted by unusual abstract image, showed interest to the customer's stand.

By means of game, this piece of art gives a possibility to have fun and make nice photos.

Touch panel perfectly visualizes opportunities of direct mutual cooperation with the bank for common users, who has ideas of startup projects or fintech drafts. Our customer highly appreciated the implementation of the idea of GPB space as a piece of art symbolizing support of innovative and creative decisions of GPB.

Next project

Interactive AR stand at the Retail Tech 2021 for the Gazprombank

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