Interactive AR Presentation for the Security of the Railway Transport

The Ariseum team has developed an AR mobile app, presenting the railway cargo protection methods.

Within the framework of the preparation of the Federal State Enterprise "Security of the Railway Transport", for the participation in the 25th International Exhibition of Transport and Logistics Services and Technologies, the Ariseum Company has developed an interactive AR presentation  that clearly demonstrated technological operations during the escort and protection of cargos.

Customer's background

The Federal State Enterprise "Security of the Railway Transport" escorts and protects cargos transported by rail.


To demonstrate the visitors of the exhibition how the security and escort of railway transport works, the customer should chose an innovative AR technology on the AR Kit 2.0 platform basis.

It was required to demonstrate in AR mode 3D models related to technological operations during the escort and protection of cargos along the route (a train moving along a railroad track, comprising carriages, containers, electronic devices installed on the carriages and containers, a rapid response team moving in a security vehicle, a squad located in a locomotive and monitoring the protected cargo in the train, the protection during train stops, the work of pickets along the way, the work of squads at the station parks, ensuring the protection of the cargo while at the station).

The interactive AR presentation should work both independently and as part of exhibition activity, demonstrating the content scripts on a video wall when synchronized with the server.

The interactive presentation (and all its content) shall be translated into two languages: English and Mandarin.

What we have provided

  • Studied in detail the technological operations during the escort and protection of cargo along the route
  • Wrote a script of the presentation together with the customer
  • Developed a unique interface of the app and created its layout in three languages
  • Suggested several styles of models and worked through the selected option in every detail
  • Built 3D models for the AR scenes, including the characters
  • Textured the models
  • Wrote shaders and VFX
  • Programmed the animation of the characters moving on the scene
  • Developed the soundtrack for each scene
  • Programmed all presentation scripts, interactions, and AR functions
  • Installed app assembly on the customer's iOS devices


The Ariseum team had thoroughly studied the nuances and details of cargo escorting technological operations and protection along the route. The presentation script was written based on the provided materials and used for all the further work. 

We have designed the structure of the app and completed the UX. The designer meticulously elaborated the interface for 20 screens of the app with unique animations and special effects, as well as the app icon.

We offered several model rendering styles - realistic, casual, and low-poly. The customer chose a casual style and it was used for all the 3D models of the presentation.

We developed animation sequences for the models according to the script - the characters are loading goods into the carriage and guarding the railway transport, the robbers are trying to get into the carriage, etc.

To enhance the demonstration, the scene is accompanied by special effects and sounds.

Our developers designed the interface layout in two languages, programmed the presentation scenes, adjusted lighting, special effects, interactive components, and prepared the final app for the use at the exhibition.

How it works

At the exhibition stand, on the large screen, an image is synchronously broadcasted from the iPadPro screen that runs the presentation.

The visitor takes a tablet and sees a loading screen – it then plays the animation that shows all possible options for the security methods: 

  • Squads escorting the cargo along the route
  • Rapid response teams
  • Placement of pickets between the stations, on intermediate stations during train stops, and at unsafe route sections
  • Setting up security posts at the station parks while the protected cargo is at the station
  • The use of engineering, technical, and other means of cargo protection

After all the points have been displayed, the train moving in the tunnel is shown representing a safe environment.

A map of Eurasia appears with overlaid route options: Within the country or a transit route.

The user selects one of the routes and the camera starts in AR mode. For the content to appear, the device camera shall be pointed to the plane and action confirmation is requested. The screen displays the carriage or container choice options and their size options. 

After the user has selected the options, the respective animated scene starts.

A stylized land plot is displayed in the AR mode; a train is standing at the station, surrounded by other trains, buildings, and landscape elements. The cargo is on the platform and the loader places it into the carriage. The shipper and the security officer sign a contract after the acceptance procedures.

The train begins to move, the landscape changes: A field, forest, settlements, cities, at a given moment the train stops on a station or another location, where security officers inspect the cargo and handle it over to the recipient. In another scenario, the emergency sensors are triggered, the guards stop the robbers and take them away in a security vehicle. The cargo is safe and is carefully handled over to the recipient.

The presentation also provides information windows that explain in detail about the company and the protection methods and also a language selection option.

The presentation is constantly broadcast on a large screen, hence, all actions of a user attract an additional interest of exhibition visitors. 


Apple iPadPro, Apple TV, video wall


The developed presentation, its interface, models, special effects and high-quality programmed scenarios pleased all the customer's employees and were highly praised by the company's management. The task to illustrate the protection methods had been completed.

Unfortunately, the exhibition was cancelled because of pandemia. But we hope that in the near future the Ariseum team will be able to present the results of its meticulous work on the presentation to a wide range of spectators.

Next project

Interactive AR Mobile App for UEC Corporation Based on the ARKit

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