Interactive Wall at the ATOMEXPO 2019 for Atomenergomash


Customer's background

Atomenergomash Corporation is an engineering division of the Rosatom State Corporation.


To develop an interactive presentation that will attract visitors to the exhibition and to clearly demonstrate the division's work on the following three examples: cities and towns, and a village where reactors of different powers supply energy to the entire infrastructure.


The Ariseum team has created an interactive projection wall for Atomenergomash Corporation, which shows different infrastructure options: A megalopolis, a town, or a village. Each of these elements corresponds to 3D models of NPPs (high-capacity NPPs, low-capacity NPPs, and floating thermal NPPs). In order to reflect the impact that a city or village gets from a NPP, we have animated the following: A revived urban environment, so cars drive along the roads, life boils, and near the floating NPP, people live and polar bears roam.

We have developed 3D models of a BN-800 fast-neutron reactor, a RITM-200 water reactor and a VVER-1200 water reactor. Each of them is installed in its own NPP modification and supplies people with energy.

  • Pressurized Water Reactor VVER-1200

  • 3D model of a BN-800 fast-neutron reactor

  • 3D model of RITM-200 water reactor

3D model of VVER-1200 water reactor

How it works

The exhibition stand houses 2 Epson short-focus projectors that reflect onto a flat wall with contours drawn on it. The user approaches the wall, where interactive elements are displayed in standby mode. When clicking on one of the elements projected on the wall, an animated info-graphic is launched on the map; objects grow, become colored, the NPP starts operating, and energy flows by wires, supplying households and factories.

At the bottom of the wall, there are 3D models of reactors. When the guest clicks on one of the three models, it is highlighted, and a detailed description of the unit appears next to it in English.


Intel Core i7 workstation, two Epson Ui-1460 short-focus projectors, and switches


Several dozens of visitors of the exhibition approached the stand. They clicked on the wall, watched the animation, and studied the reactor data. Using the wall, the representatives of Atomenergomash made several presentations of their products and activities of different regions in English. The interactive wall was highly appreciated by Deputy Director General of Rosatom, N. N. Spasskiy. After the exhibition, the interactive presentation was installed in head office of Atomenergomash.

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Interactive Wall for Rusatom Overseas at ATOMEXPO 2019

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