Interactive Installation for Moslift Company at the InterStroyExpo

For the Moslift company we have developed a multimedia interactive installation that presents an automated control system for an apartment building. The installation was presented at the international building exhibition InterStroyExpo 2016.

Customer's background

Moslift is the largest elevators service company in Eastern Europe. It provides services for about 79 000 elevators, escalators, and platform lifts for individuals with disabilities. The company also has 400 control systems of vertical transport operation and engineering equipment.


To develop an interactive presentation for the exhibition stand that would comprehensively exhibit the quality and speed of the automated control systems installed by Moslift in apartment buildings. The presentation should not be overloaded with sophisticated technical details and quite the contrary, it should be as easy to understand as possible. This requires developing an intuitive interface, a simple and logical presentation structure. To employ vivid, attention-drawing visuals to attract visitors to the stand.


Our team analyzed all the control system’s algorithms provided by the customer. It allowed identifying a series of standard scenarios that the system most often uses. 

The team of our game designers wrote a game mechanic, in which the stand visitor initiates the emergency situations, and the system automatically applies the scenario to eliminate the emergency. The user can create different situations on the touch table. The triggering of automatic liquidation is demonstrated on a large plasma panel placed above the stand so that it is visible to all nearby visitors.


What we have provided

  • Game mechanics
  • The interface design and layout for the touch-table
  • User-interaction algorithms programming
  • Game mechanics programming
  • Software for a touch-table with a dedicated video content output to a plasma panel
  • 3D models of apartment buildings with elevators, repair and fire service teams
  • Animations of a life-cycle in a typical house and all scenarios of emergency situations and their liquidation.


How it works

The plasma panel above the stand shows the normal operation of apartment buildings. The elevators are moving, people are walking, and the cars are also moving. 

The touch table offers various situations that the user can trigger by simply pressing a button: A basement flooding, fire, stucking of an elevator, etc. After the situation has been selected, a message is displayed on one of the houses and is accompanied by the special effect of fire, flooding, electric discharge, etc.

The system instantly offers a solution: To call the fire department, send a message to the security console, call the emergency team, etc. As soon as the visitor confirms the action on the touch table, the selected teams drive up to the apartments, quickly run inside and eliminate the emergency.

A message informing about the successful completion of the task is displayed on the touch table.


A touch table with Windows 10, a discrete graphics card, and a plasma panel of any size. 


A large plasma screen with a vibrant three-dimensional animated scene attracted the attention of nearby visitors. People of different ages came to the touch table with great interest and simulated emergency situations, watching their quick elimination. The stand managers easily got to know the loyal visitors and explained about Moslift products in detail. 

Moslift has received the most enthusiastic reviews from the organizers of the exhibition, the colleagues from other stands, and the company’s top management.

Next project

Interactive AR New Year's MegaFon Campaign on the Touch Table

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