Interactive Game for MegaFon Company to Promote 4G Internet


Customer's background

Public company MegaFon is a large telecommunications company that provides cellular services, as well as considerable amount of related services in this area.


To develop a presentation for a MegaFon promotion campaign that will entertain soccer fans and help promote 4G Internet. The promotion campaign shall be available on all types of mobile devices.


The Ariseum team has developed an adaptive one-page website, which is a full-screen mass quest and web landing page with a list of questions related to fans' knowledge of soccer.

We have developed an administrative panel for managing presentations and a server parts for synchronous data transfer between the site, presentation, and administrative panel. We have also made an animation of a goalkeeper that catches the ball or scores a goal.

How it works

The host of the promotion campaign invites all the match spectators to pass the quest, and attracts people to the big screen installed inside the stadium, where the game's screensaver is placed. The screensaver is accompanied by the "Score a goal at 4G speed" slogan and an image of a soccer player who is about to score a goal.

Match spectators go the Project's website from their mobile devices. The host presses the start button, and questions related to soccer appear on the participants’ screens. Under the answer options, there is a field that informs users about the number of correct answers to the question. The answers to a specific question are briefly explained. If the question has been answered by less than a certain number of people, the ball flies out of the screen and the goalkeeper does not catch it. If the threshold for correct answers is passed, the goalkeeper will catch it.

After completing the quest, the fan sees the number of correct answers on the promo site, and if they have scored the maximum points, they are invited to pick up the prize.


LED display, and desktop computer to control the starting of the presentation.


The quest turned out to be a great addition to the match. It increased the popularity of MegaFon. The spectators competed against each other with passion and took prizes with joy. The promotion campaign entertained the fans during the break, united the spectators in the stadium, and raised their team spirit.

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