Rosatom projects AR calendar box

Customer's background

AO RAOS (JS-C RAOS) is a division of state corporation Rosatom. It is in charge of promotion projects related to the construction of nuclear power stations and development of atomic facilities on foreign markets.


To develop the showcase of the Rosatom project presented as a gift calendar-box and mobile AR app, which demonstrates the following nuclear industry objects in augmented reality:

  • Hydrogenic cluster (low-carbon H2) located on Sakhalin Island
  • Nuclear Plant of Low Power (land-based SMR - NPP)
  • The Center for Nuclear Technology Research and Development located in Bolivia.


Ariseum company has created mobile app with augmented reality for iOs and Android. In collaboration with design agency Vision Division, we developed and produced the gift calendar-box. The top of the box became a picture-marker for 3-D models in AR mode.

What we've provided

  • Development of the mobile app for iOs and Android
  • Programming of augmented reality on the picture marker
  • Layout of adaptive interface for iOs and Android
  • Posting in AppStore and Google Play

How it works

User downloads the mobile app. Launching the app user is able to choose one of three objects to see: hydrogenic cluster, SMR NPP or CNTRD.

When camera is aiming at the marker placed on printed top of the box, the chosen object appears in 3-D image with animation.

By means of additional menu user is able to face the detailed specifications of object's components as well as watch animated scenes with presentation of its working process.


The original gift calendar-box using the AR enables to move immediately on the sites of nuclear industry and introduces users to specifications and visual components of latest developments of Russian atomic sector. Demonstrating sophistication and importance of nuclear area this project became an excellent gift for Rosatom employees and corporate partners.

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The interactive calendar for NTV channel

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