AR Mobile App with Games for the Metallurgical Works Museum

Customer's background

Metallurgical Works Museum is an enterprise with a full metallurgical cycle, which includes more than 100 large technological units involving processing iron ore materials and coal to rerolling equipment.


To develop an AR mobile app, which will show chemical-recovery and sintering processes at the metallurgical works, recreating a 3D model of the sintering machine and coke-oven battery in great detail. Using special effects, to clearly show all the processes that accompany the agglomerate production. Also, to reanimate the movement of coke in the battery, agglomerate in the agglomeration machine, heating processes, coking. The model shall be managed using standard gestures for mobile devices.

Another important objective was to create several educational games to make it easier for children to understand the complex production diagram and easily assimilate the lessons learned. 


Based on the provided drawings, the Ariseum modelers’ team has built a 3D model of a sintering machine and coke-oven battery from scratch. We have animated the mobile parts of the unit and programmed the interactive component of the mobile app so that any user could interact with it intuitively.

We have developed two 2D animated interactive diagrams of the agglomeration machine and the coke oven battery. These diagrams show the processes of receiving raw materials, processing coke, output and disposal of gases. When pointing at the models of the coke-oven battery and agglomeration machine, informative signs appeared above the model, where the names of different parts of the unit and their main functions can be seen.

3D model and animation of a coke-oven battery

3D model and animation of a sintering machine

We have also developed several games for children, where they can find out in a fun method what stages of agglomeration production is divided into.

How it works

The user comes to the Museum and takes a tablet with two sections: Chemical-recovery and sintering ones, on the main page. When selecting the latter, a 2D animated diagram opens. By clicking on certain objects, the user can learn informative facts with illustrations about the unit, as well as continue acquaintance along the plant and proceed to the "game section".

An individual 2D animated interactive diagram is also located in the chemical-recovery process. It allows reading basic information about the processing of natural fuel, see the processes of raw material intake, coke processing, output and disposal of gases. The guests pointed devices to the models of the coke-oven battery and sintering machine. Information texts, names of different parts of the unit and their main functions appeared above the model. By clicking on certain options, the user learned a lot about the complex structure, could continue to get acquainted with the plant and proceed to the "game section".

The interactive game "Pick Up the Distance Between the Rolls" helps the user learn how important it is to choose the right distance for rolls that grind coke breeze.

The "Unload the Car" game is one of the most difficult ones in the entire application. The user turns the car clockwise, and the rotation speed shall be strictly 17 degrees per second. If the user makes a wrong turn, the helper character developed by Ariseum signals an error. And, of course, praises when the user is doing good!

In the "Pick Up the Number of Hammers" game, the user can test their attentiveness. If the previous text and illustrative material has been grasped successfully, the player will not make a mistake in choosing the correct answer. If the user has any difficulties, the interactive mobile assistant will remind them the game rules.


Mobile devices with iOS 8.0 or higher


The AR mobile app for the Metallurgical Works Museum became a unique event for the plant, attracting residents to the main enterprise of the city. Children and adults studied all the work stages of the chemical-recovery and sintering processes, watched 3D animated diagram, and transformed into employees of the plant by means of entertaining games. Our project helped to gain an understanding of the complex, at first glance; production processes, and quickly and effectively learns new material.

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