AR Tinkoff Bank Stand at the International Economic Forum 2018

The St. Petersburg Economic Forum is one of the most important events in the country. Multibillion-dollar agreements that affect the economy are signed here. Tinkoff Bank decided to attract visitors to the stand in an innovative way – to use AR for visual representation of its activities.

Customer's background

Tinkoff Bank is a Russian commercial bank that is fully focused on remote servicing. The Bank's headquarters are located in Moscow.


To develop an iOS mobile app allowing to get acquainted with the geographical coverage of Tinkoff Bank's services in Russia, statistical data based on services provided in Russian cities, and see the movement of Bank couriers in real time.

To create a 3D model of the country, the landscape of the 15 regions, and the main attractions. Together with the Bank's IT Department, to implement a dynamic system in the app and colorfully visualize it, showing real-time transaction statistics, courier movement paths, and public service delivery in all selected cities.

Another objective was to integrate in-app voice speech recognition of Russian and English for enabling rapid search of the city.


For meeting the objective, the Ariseum team chose the multi-marker AR technology. At the Bank's stand, a map of the Russian Federation was installed, with parts of which served as markers. We created the app interface according to the Bank's brand book using the corporate identity.

In the shortest time possible, we have developed a programming solution that can convert data received from the Bank's servers into visual content. Statistics grew rapidly while couriers moved around the virtual map and made transactions. The tablet screens displayed the latest data on loans and credit lines.

We have integrated a Yandex's voice assistant into the app that recognizes voice commands in Russian and English, and helps find the desired city.

The Ariseum team of modelers visualized the data and worked hard to create 3D models of many attractions. Of these, there are St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow, the Bronze Horseman in St. Petersburg, the Opera and Ballet Theater in Novosibirsk, the Dmitrievsky tower of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, the Söyembikä Tower in Kazan, the Opera and Ballet Theater named after M. V. Glinka in Chelyabinsk, the Liberators of Rostov Stele in Rostov-on-Don, the Lala Tulpan ("Tulip in Bloom") mosque In Ufa, the Motherland Calls in Volgograd, and other cultural heritage sites.

We have also developed 3D landscape models of the15 regions of the country where attractions were displayed.

How it works

The stand has a large table with a map of the Russian Federation printed on it. Around the table, iPad Pro tablets with the running installed app and are placed. A visitor to the stand points the device's camera at the stand, and a virtual map of Russia, painted in Tinkoff's trademark colors, appears on top of it. The app offers to use the voice assistant and find the desired city. After recognition, the desired area is separated from the virtual map and flies to the device's camera. The landscape has a attraction of the selected city.

In the app, the user can view statistical data for the selected city and see how couriers move to meet customers, how many call center operators are currently working on the hot line, how many transactions are being made right now, or find out how many hours the Bank has worked in this region.


Apple iPad Pro 12.9 and secure cloud server for processing Bank data.


Bank representatives and Oleg Tinkov duly appreciated the mobile app. They were particularly impressed with the quality rendering of the models and landscapes. Stand visitors enthusiastically chose cities and watched the life of the Bank's virtual double.

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