AR Mobile App with Animated Videos for Ratimir Manufacturer

We hype Ratimir sausages using an AR app.

Customer's background

Ratimir Ltd. is the largest agro industrial complex from the Bulgaria with a 20-year history.


To develop an AR mobile app that will help draw attention to new creative packages of sausages produced by Ratimir.


We have developed animated videos clips based on the Ratimir package design. Characters are dancing the Lambada vigorously and performing pirouettes to the fiery music. The mobile app developed at Ariseum plays these video clips during AR mode when the mobile device is pointed directly on the package of the store's shelf.

Дополненная реальность на упаковке

How it works

When pointing the device's camera at the package, the characters and surroundings printed on it come to life and start dancing. From the app, you can take photos of the packaging and share them via social media.


Mobile devices with iOS 10.0 or higher and Android 6.0 or higher.


Thousands of users downloaded the app in the first week of the Ratimir sausages advertisement. We have been receiving ecstatic reviews for several months. Once again, AR has become an excellent marketing tool for attracting customers' attention. When promoting the app via social networks and news, as Ratimir did, it results in organizing not just a promotion, but in a lot of hype.

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