AR Tour of Unrealized Architectural Moscow Projects of the XX Century


Customer's background

Arvizio is a company that develops virtual content for the cultural, educational, and tourist sectors.


In the AR mode, to create 3D models of buildings that dominate Moscow replacing modern buildings.


In a short time, we have developed 3D models of all none built buildings with photographic accuracy, such as: the Palace of Soviets, the Narkomtiazhprom (People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry) Building, the Stalin high-rise, etc. Thanks to fellow specialists involved in this Project, all models were embedded in the 360-degree panorama, a so-called collage that was launched for VR glasses.

Palace of Soviets is instead of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour.

How it works

During the tour, at the request of the guide, the user puts on VR glasses and finds itself on the streets of modern Moscow. They see building projects that were not finished on the location of the actual existing buildings.

The VR mode shows rising buildings exactly as they would look in real life. For example, instead of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, the Palace of Soviets pops up in its place. This building could become one of the tallest buildings on Earth with a hundred-meter statue of Lenin on top. Instead of a festive GUM (Main Universal Store) that pleases tourists with light decorations, the Narkomtyazhprom Building with three glass skyscrapers and sixteen-story grand staircases would be rising. Neither Zaryadye Park could also exist; instead of it, the eighth Stalinist high-rise was planned, which would have surpassed the Moscow State University in total area. And this is only part of the bigger plans.

Narkomtyazhprom building is instead of GUM.


Gear VR and Oculus Go glasses


Tour of a Moscow that doesn't exist helped residents and city guests to imagine how the capital had looked, if it would have carried out the most daring but unrealized architectural projects of the XX century. Tourists were delighted by what they saw, stricken with its proportions and realism. The audience tells that this virtual journey is much more interesting than standard walks, and they like more Moscow now that they see now much more its history. The tour is still conducted, which lasts 2.5 hours.

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Interactive AR Presentation of Products for Soyuzpishcheprom

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