AR Mobile App «The Formula of Bridge» for the Giprostroymost

For the 50th anniversary of the Institute Giprostroymost-Saint Petersburg the Ariseum team has developed a mobile app «The formula of bridge» which has become an integral part of their book.

Customer's background

Giprostroymost Institute is one of the leading organizations in Russia for the complex design of bridges and transport structures.


To develop a mobile app that will bring bridge plans from a book to life using AR technology. To recreate 3D models of bridges and other projects of the Institute, to show videos of bridges taken from a quadrocopter on the pages of the book.



The Ariseum team has recreated a series of 3D models based on plans that replicate the appearance of the original objects with photographic accuracy. We have developed a mobile app for iOS and Android in Russian and English in a short time. We have created an individual interface design following the brand book prepared for the fiftieth anniversary of Giprostroymost.

Users who received the anniversary edition are able to view the bridges and videos designed by the Institute in AR mode. The most complex and significant objects are the stadium «Saint Petersburg», cable-stayed bridge in Saint Petersburg, Crimean bridge, bridge on Russian island, and others.

The mobile app is published in the AppStore and GooglePlay stores.


How it works

The user points the camera at the page of the anniversary edition where the plan is printed. Virtual 3D models of bridges appear from the plan and can be viewed from different sides. Other pages of the book contain images of bridges where panoramic videos are broadcast in AR.


Mobile devices based on the operating systems iOS 11.0 or higher, and Android 6.0 or higher.


The anniversary edition of such an authoritative Institute as Giprostroymost is a serious and responsible project. We have recreated 3D models of bridges that replicate real structures as accurately as possible, so even demanding critics have rated our work very highly. The book with AR has been distributed to important partners and clients of the Institute. The publication has received the most rave reviews.

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