AR Module for a Mobile App Developed in Cuberto Agency


We helped our partner, Cuberto Agency, to develop an app that exposes the infrastructure buildings of the Saudi Arabian capital, Riyadh, in the AR mode.

Customer's background

Cuberto is an expert in the usability research field, interface design, and high-quality web products development.


To develop an AR module for a native app written by Cuberto,for iOS and Android systems in Swift/Java. The module shall allow displaying content from the app database using GPS coordinates during AR mode on a real cityscape. The content can be text information about an object, as well as a 3D model of the object that will be built in a particular location.


The Ariseum team has developed the module for this app, showing POI pins during the AR mode on locations corresponding to coordinates of the Google map embedded in the app. A click on one of these pins opens an object card.

The second module developed in Ariseum, allows viewing 3D models using both ARKit and ARCore and but also viewing them with more basic devices. The 3D model is linked to GPS coordinates and fits into the surrounding space of a real city. The user can scale the model and rotate it around its axis.


Apple ARKit, Google ARCore. Swift and Java programming languages.

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