AR Mobile App for Presentation of the New Residential Complex

For the presentation of the new residential complex (RC) «Polyustrovo» built by «CDS» Company, a mobile app was implemented, allowing viewing the entire complex of buildings and the surrounding area in augmented reality.

Customer's background

Companies Group of «CDS» is one of the largest construction companies in Saint Petersburg and one of the leaders in the Russian construction market.


To develop a mobile app for Apple and Android platforms that will allow demonstrating users all the advantages of the RC «Polyustrovo». The demonstration shall take place in AR mode on the booklet’s page used as a marker. Three-dimensional models of the entire group of buildings, surrounding areas, schools, shops, playgrounds, and sports fields should be populated by virtual people and look as realistic as possible. Also, the model shall tell about every advantage of the RC.


Based on the provided drawings, the Ariseum team of modelers built the RC and surrounding area from scratch. We also developed and animated virtual characters that live in homes, attend school, and walk in the yard. We added a sound track to the picture as we recorded the birdsongs. We developed an adaptive interface design based on the company's style. We programmed the interactive component of the mobile app so that it is intuitive for any user to interact with. Shortly after, we did everything to ensure that the presentation of the RC gave a full and positive idea of the future apartment and landscaping.

The app is available in the AppStore and GooglePlay.

How it works

The AR marker is a page printed in the booklet, as well as an RC information card. After downloading the app, the user points the camera at the marker. It reproduces a full-fledged three-dimensional model of the RC with the environment, launching animation and sound effects. Interactive icons appear on the model, opening informational descriptions and RC photos.


Apple and Android devices running iOS 11.0 or higher, and Android 7.0 or higher.


As a result of the use of AR technologies, «CDS» managed to attract more potential customers. Booklets were distributed instantly, and users shared what they saw with friends. An original and non-standard marketing strategy using AR helped to increase the number of sales in the «CDS» residential complex and fully populate new buildings.

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AR Mobile App of Interactive Virtual Museum of Byzantine Heritage

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