AR Mobile App Dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of Absolut Bank

For the 25th anniversary of Absolut bank the Ariseum team has developed an architectural layout of the head office, created its 3D virtual twin, and has given it a life.

Customer's background

Absolut Bank is a large commercial bank founded in 1993. Currently the bank's clients are thousands of entities and millions of individuals.


To create a beautiful architectural layout with lighting, to improve the entrance of the building. To develop an AR mobile app and to show how all the bank's divisions work, including storage, focusing on the Apple Campus project. To show customer service areas and service levels in an interesting way.


The concept of the entrance corner design has been developed, including the design of walls, a sub-package stand. An architectural layout of a group of buildings has been made in the head office. The mobile app for Absolut Bank has been developed on the basis of the ARKit platform – a powerful set of tools from Apple that allows us to recognize the dimensions of the surrounding space and take into account lighting conditions in order to integrate virtual objects into reality as reliably as possible. We have developed a 3D model of the bank's building complex and surrounding space, recreating the interiors of each floor with photographic accuracy. Virtual characters conduct daily operations in a digital double: they lend, open accounts, make deposits, and get a mortgage.

Operations are performed for individuals, legal entities, and VIP clients of the bank. Around the building life is in full swing – cars and people are walking along the streets. A 3D copy of the bank lives fully and independently. A user can observe different reality using an iPad Pro installed next to the layout.

How it works

A visitor or bank employee points an iPad at the architectural layout of the building complex installed on the entrance. A digital copy of the bank opens on the screen in AR mode. Ariseum has developed a convenient and intuitive interface where the user can «remove» floors from the building, view all the details in the banking service areas, and open reference information for each banking operation. The guest points at the wall panels installed next to the architectural layout, learns the entire history of the bank and its outstanding employees, tracks statistics for all 25 years of existence.


The master plan of the Absolut Bank layout is mounted on a solid acrylic glass pedestal with soldered seams and internal lighting. Layout size– 1850*1250*900 (W/d/h). An iPad Pro with an anti-theft system and a connected charger is inegrated into the pedestal.


The project has received a lot enthusiastic reviews from the bank's management, employees, and visitors of different ages. Absolut Bank has shown its innovation, interest in technology, and focus on permanent development and progress. Visitors are interested to spend time in the bank using our mobile app. Their wait times have become completely invisible.

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AR Stand at the IX International Maritime Defence Show for Armalit

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