AR stand for the University of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

For the St. Petersburg University of state fire service the Ariseum team has developed an AR interactive stand for the international salon "Integrated safety and security - 2021"

XIII International exhibition of security "Integrated security 2021" is the key of the Russian exhibition project at the Federal level, focused on the demonstration of the results of implementation of state policy and achievements in the field of security in different spheres of life.

Customer`s background

Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia is a federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education of fire-technical profile, which trains specialists for the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia of all subjects of the Federation.

In preparation for the demonstration of the joint Russian-Finnish project "Cross-border Security: Emergency Prevention and Risk Management" (CB - SAFE) at the international salon "Integrated Security-2021", Ariseum has developed an AR interactive stand, as well as a video clip. The project demonstrates the development of a security management system in emergency situations on the border territory between Russia and Finland, as well as ensuring the safety of passengers crossing the border through road, rail and sea checkpoints.


The Ariseum team had several tasks:

1. To develop a logo for the Russian-Finnish CB-SAFE project.

2. To make a stand with a layout of the map of the Russian-Finnish border with AR markers.

3. To create an animated video consisting of three stories showing the development of three emergency situations by the Ministry of Emergency Situations services.

4. To develop a mobile app that will show the testing of three emergency situations on railways, highways, and waterways in AR mode.


The Ariseum team has developed a unique logo in English for the Russian-Finnish CB-SAFE project, which clearly reflects the goals of the project. The logo is used on the exhibition stand, in printed exhibition products, in demonstration materials.

At the customer's exhibition stand, made in Ariseum, a mock-up of a map of the Russian-Finnish border with perimeter illumination and markers for an AR app is installed.

The AR mobile app was developed in a short time, taking into account the low performance of Huawei tablets provided by the customer. When you hover over the markers located on the map of the Russian-Finnish border, animated 3D content is displayed on them, demonstrating the work of rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of a fire in a train, car and on a pleasure boat.

For the demonstration on the plasma panel, the Ariseum team developed an animated video with a 3D visualization of scenarios for working out emergency situations on railway, road and water transport in a short time.

How it works

A map layout with individual markers and an exhibition tablet are installed at the stand. The visitor picks up a tablet, points at one of the markers on the map, and 3D content appears on it. If desired, the user can change the marker and see the working out of another situation.


Huawei Tablet

TV screen


The mobile app, the video clip, the logo and the exhibition stand itself were presented at the international salon "Integrated Security-2021". The use of AR technology at the stand ensured the active interest of visitors to the stand and was highly appreciated by the ministers of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

Next project

AR Mobile App for the Church of the Transfiguration in the KIZHI Museum

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