AR Mobile App for VegaGroup to Build Models of Playgrounds

Customer's background

«VegaGroup» is one of the largest manufacturers of playground and sports equipment for children's playgrounds.


Develop a mobile app for Apple and Android platforms that will use AR to build a model of a playground on any plane. The app should be synchronized with the company’s website, where there is a special section for creating playground of dreams – an online designer. The size of all goods, children's attractions and equipment must match the real one. Objects are shown in the app in the same number as they are represented on the VegaGroup website. The technology makes it possible to place a playground in any place, whether it is a yard, room or any other space.


We created a mobile app for iOS devices based on ARKit technology and for the Android platform using ARCore. A simplified version of the AR mode based on MaxST is used for devices that don't support these technologies. We place the user-modeled site not on a marker, as is usually done, but on any plane, on the street, in an apartment or on any other horizontal surface where the user is located. All 3D models of products from the customer's site are automatically included in the app, then they "grow" on the plane, and the user sees a ready-made playground with the selected attractions.The technology provides for moving objects, modeling space in real time.

How it works

The user goes to the VegaGroup website and registers his profile. Then goes to the section "sitebuilder", where he can create his own unique project, select the necessary area. On the site are available not only children's attractions, but also rope complexes, sports, park equipment, barriers and slides for walking dogs. The user selects the necessary items, saves his project, then downloads the app and "tries on" his creation in real life. He points a tablet or smartphone at the desired plane and watches how 3D models of the selected products grow in real size. The user can rearrange them in the desired order, remove unnecessary details and add new ones.

Also the playground can be created from scratch in the app itself. All functions of the online designer are available –  selection and placement of equipment, moving, turning, copy. The user can work in guest registration mode. All functions, in addition to obtaining estimates, are available. At the same time, the user can register at any time. Everything that he created before will be saved in his new account and will be available on the site.


Apple and Android devices with iOS operating systems version 11.0 and higher, and Android 7.0 and higher.


The Arisium team created a unique technology with AR that allowed the manufacturer of gaming and sports equipment to attract potential clients. The market for public goods in urban street space is quite wide, and it is not always possible to think through the location of rides to the smallest detail. With our mobile app the process selection children's slides, swings and merry-go-rounds for the improvement of the city, fun pastimes of children and their parents has become fascinating and effective. Users try on the site on the plane online and order the necessary items, knowing that they will fit together well and create a unique design that will delight residents.

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