AR Mobile App of Renovation of CHPP (Central Heating Power Plant)

 Дополненная реальность презентующая проект реновации здания химической водоочистки тепловой электростанции

Customer's background

Energy Directorate is a powerful and steadily developing company that has been implementing large-scale projects in the energy sector.


Use engineering concepts, to develop a future projection of CHPP, show the presentation participants how to modernize the building, what changes will be made and how the future design will improve in comparison with the previous one.


The Ariseum developers used engineering drawings to create a 3D reconstruction model and programmed a mobile app that allows viewing 3D building models and structures of CHPP using the AR technology.

We had created a booklet and high-quality renderings of models that became markers. There were 7 markers in total. One marker exposed the entire building complex as a whole, while the other six showed individual buildings.

The user points the camera of their mobile device at the marker placed in the presentation booklet, and the buildings of the future reconstructed CHPP will appear in front of the user.

Проект здания электростанции в дополненной реальности

How it works

From the Company's website, the user follows the link and downloads the renovation of CHPP app. 

When pointing the device's camera at the booklet, the building of CHPP opens, where the user can view the buildings of the future CHPP.

Расширенная реальность для презентации строительных проектов


Mobile devices with iOS 10.0 or higher and Android 6.0 or higher


The AR renovation project clearly presented the future of the CHPP to all presentation participants. All of the plant buildings coincided with engineering drawings displayed the main building, chemical water treatment building, main distribution point, and the dredging pumping plant.

Дополнительная реальность в строительстве и при проектировании

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