AR Mobile App for Avenarium with a Video Made from a Quadcopter

Customer's background

Avenarium is a company that deals with the reconstruction of wood houses and the landscaping for city and suburban settlements.


To develop an animated video clip with special effects added over the footage made from a quadcopter, which will demonstrate the process of old, houses restoration in Sertolovo.


The Ariseum team had quickly created an animation for the video clip, where the old Sertolovo cottages are transformed before the eyes of the user, the surrounding area is improved, and country buildings acquire a modern look. 

How it works

The user opens the video clip on Youtube or on the Avenarium website. Instead of old cottages, a green lawn appears, trees grow, new modern houses rise, and the entire territory comes to life as cars move along the road.


Smartphones, tablets, computers with internet access


The video clip created an impression effect necessary to inspire residents who want to leave things as they are and stimulate them to change.

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