AR Corporative Desk Calendars for an International Corporation

 AR calendar for CCL-Kontur Ltd.

In 2019, the Ariseum team created a calendar for SSL-Kontur. The user shakes the Ariseum's platform, points the tablet at the calendar and using AR technology, the picture moves.

AR calendars 2019


When the device is hovered over, a video clip with a sound track and a unique scenario for each month is played on each page of the month.

AR calendars 2018

In 2018, our Ariseum team has developed an AR calendar for the international company. When you hover the device, a dynamic video clip with audio accompaniment is played on each page of the month.

AR game calendar

Дополненная реальность на корпоративном календаре сколько стоит

Ariseum has developed a mobile app that complements the greeting calendar. When you hover your device's camera over each month, an interactive game appears on the screen.

Календарь расширенная реальность

The game is made in the genre of "basketball", where the player must score as many goals as possible in the basket

Имиджевый календарь с игрой	заказать

Instead of a stadium, the playing field is surrounded by a 360° spherical panorama that the user can view during the game.

ar vr календарь разработать

AR calendars 2015

Страница настенного календаря с дополненной реальностью

For an international company, we have developed an AR calendar, which has become a great addition to new year's gifts for VIP clients. Each page of the wall calendar contains fun 3D models and sound effects.

Пивная бочка на странице календаря с дополненной реальностью

Each month has its own 3D model and its own scenario that unfolds on the mobile device screen.

Санта Клаус на декабрьской странице календаря в режиме дополненной реальности

In December, users are happy with a cheerful Santa Claus flying out of the calendar page.

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AR Mobile App to Demonstrate Schneider Electric's Main Solutions

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