3D isometric models of buildings, vehicles, and characters for Moslift

We have created 3D isometric models and animated the emergency response processes for an Ariseum's developed interactive installation that exhibits the Moslift automated control system of an apartment building.

Customer's background

Moslift is the largest elevators service company in Eastern Europe. It provides services for about 79 000 elevators, escalators, and platform lifts for individuals with disabilities. The company also has 400 control systems of vertical transport operation and engineering equipment.


To develop 3D models of apartment buildings with elevators, repair and fire service teams, and special vehicles.

To create an animation of a life cycle in a typical house with all scenarios of emergency situations and their liquidation.

моделирование архитектурных сооружений для выставочных стендов

What we have provided

  • Get thoroughly acquainted with the operation of an automated control system for apartment buildings
  • Used the obtained data to develop an animation script and complete the style of the models
  • Developed the 3D models of apartment buildings, characters, and vehicles
  • Textured the models
  • Created the animation of emergencies and their successive elimination


According to the developed script and the selected isometric style of the entire presentation, we have developed the 3D models of two apartment buildings in cross-section, the special vehicles, and characters of emergency services. We textured them in the corporate colours of the customer. We created and animated the emergency situations and their elimination: The fire, flooding, stuck elevator, and power outage.

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3D models and animation of coke oven battery and sintering machine

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