3D model of formula racing car and its animation for MegaFon

For the mobile app MegaRace that the Ariseum company has developed for MegaFon, we have designed a 3D model of the formula racing car in the corporate colours of the customer.

Customer's background

Public company MegaFon is a large telecommunications company that provides cellular services, as well as an amount of related services in this area.


To develop a model of racing car to insert it afterwards into a mobile app. To create the textures in the corporate colours of the telecom operating company.

What we have provided

  • Ran the search for the images of racing cars and analyzed them
  • identified the most suitable design of the racing car that would meet customer's expectations
  • Developed the geometry of the car and tested its streamline
  • Developed the unique textures for the car model according to the corporate colours of the customer
  • Optimized the model and textures for mobile devices

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3D models, animation and VFX for AR corporative desk calendars

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